Drip Campaign

  • A drip campaign is a series of automated emails sent to people who take a specific action on a website. For any given action, you can choose how many emails to send and the rate at which to send them. These emails can be personalized with data like the contact’s name and specific references to the action they took.

Drip marketing is a marketing tactic that simply means sending messages at a specific tempo. Drip emails land right where they are supposed to go, over time, with a minimum waste. They can span all kinds of time periods, from daily reminders and weekly specials to monthly updates and yearly renewal notices. Each message should stand alone, but they should also build on the messages of the past and set the stage for what’s to come.

  • For example, a drip marketing campaign might be based on:
  • Placing an order.
  • Attending an event at your store.
  • Signing up for a webcast.
  • Registering for a report or white paper.
  • Abandoning a shopping cart.
  • Engaging with customer service.
  • Not placing an order for a while.

Drip marketing can help boost sales by turning visitors into buyers, increasing repeat purchases, and reengaging a dormant audience. By communicating a company’s value, it can build a relationship with the audience and demonstrate that it is a great resource.

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